Having completed a Masters in Finance and Certification in Financial Planning and after achieving extensive experience into the financial industry over the years, I am delighted to introduce our independent financial advisory service providing a firm “Agile Investment Advisors. It was started keeping in mind our mission of providing client’s every dream a cradle to preserve and nurture. Thus we follow an unbiased “Client First Approach”.
Mr. Twinkle Gujral has worked with renowned brands like ICICI Bank Limited, Dawnay Day AV India Advisors Pvt Limited, Allegro Capital Advisors Pvt Limited, etc. His strong credibility helped him retain his client’s trust in his services and thus helped him retain their relationship even after he started his independent financial advisory firm. He has a strong academic background in the field of finance, addition to which he has gained immense market knowledge which certifies him in several other fields of finance like Mutual funds, Derivatives, Commodities, Life insurance, General Insurance, etc.